
Thank, remember and help a veteran is Revolution Flag Foundations groundbreaking day of service for Veteran’s Day. The premise of the program is that the three aspects of the program of Thank, Remember and Help a veteran are the three activities that all American’s should do to honor veterans day.


Thank a veteran

 We owe our freedom, liberty, and security of the men and women of the United States armed forces. Serving in the military is a hard occupation with many pressures and dangers. As Americans, we need to show our gratitude to those that are currently serving and to those that have fought to protect our nation. As a part of Thank, Remember and Help a Veteran, the Revolution Flag Foundation organizes activities that show our gratitude to our veterans such as sending cards to troops overseas. 

Help a Veteran

The second aspect of the initiative is to Help a Veteran. We all hear the stories of homeless veterans on street corners all around America, holding signs asking for help. We will conduct activities that will make a tangible impact in their lives. We will help those that have served and have fallen on hard times by putting together care packages, providing food, water, blankets etc. 

Remember a veteran

We must never forget that the freedom we enjoy on a daily basis was won and secured with the sacrifice of many Americans. The third aspect of the program, Remember a Veteran, aims to honor the memory of Americans that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom. We will organize ceremonies at veteran memorials and restore the memorials.